Church Safety: Protecting your Congregation

USCCA has taken the FEMA Active Shooter curriculum, and updated and improved its precepts. In the ‘Church Safety: Protecting your Congregation’ course, we not only teach you responses to this threat, but also suggest a plan to eliminate the scourge of these shooters, once and for all.

Together, in this ‘Church Safety: Protecting your Congregation course,’ we will analyze data gathered from mass shootings that have occurred, to determine what can learned from these tragedies, including whether a reduction in magazine capacity or the banning of any class of firearm would have changed the outcome. Michael Martin, author of this book, also looks at whether “gun-free” zones figure into the planning of these mass murderers; whether victim response at any mass shooting has made a difference; and whether “universal background checks” or other proposals by gun control advocates stand a chance of stemming the current trajectory of these shootings.

USCCA summarizes this data with a comprehensive plan designed to eliminate the scourge of these shooters once and for all.  This course is based in an easy-to-follow format, including a 191 page textbook, shown below, with information for all experience levels. Essential lessons on topics like gun-free zones, magazine capacity, and using the Run, Hide, Fight methodology are already saving lives across the country. Here’s just a few of the lifesaving lessons you’ll learn in this class:

  • Create An Emergency Operations Plan: Discover how you can end attacks early and minimize the number of victims involved in an incident with strategic planning and preparedness training.
  • Triage And Treat The Wounded: Learn the lifesaving materials and measures you can take to save critically injured victims immediately after an attack is over.
  • Expert Recommendations: Get advice on topics like how to properly develop an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for your home, church, or place of business.
  • Understand Your Attacker: Dive into the history of mass shootings, what the statistics tell us, and what your aggressor is likely thinking.
  • Debunk Common Myths: Finally get your questions about magazine capacity, banning firearms, and special watch lists answered.
  • Know The Signs: Uncover how you can identify and deter potential shooters before they strike.

You will be provided with a ‘USCCA Proof of Training Certificate’ upon successful completion of this course.

This course can be taken as a supplement to the ‘Countering The Mass Shooter Threat’ course or as a stand alone class. The ‘Emergency First Aid Fundamentals’ course also ties into these courses and comes with an OSHA approval. The ‘Emergency First Aid Fundamentals’ course certification meets OSHA first aid standard as outlined in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations 29 CFR 1910.151(b).

The course is based on the 191 paged book:

Countering the Mass Shooter Threat by Michael Martin

Course price is just $75!

Take the ‘Church Safety: Protecting your Congregation’ course


either ‘Countering The Mass Shooter Threat‘ or ‘Emergency First Aid Fundamentals’ together.  They complement each other, and are discounted for groups!

Click the icon below for a link to the ‘Countering the Mass Shooter Threat’ course description

Click the icon below for a link to the ‘Emergency First Aid Fundamentals’ course description

Group discounts and custom scheduling is available.  Call me for details.

  • Course price: $75.00
  • To register now, click the dollar icon below to register and make your non-refundable payment in full for this class.
  • OR to register now, and make a non-refundable deposit to hold your seat in this class: $25.00
  • Click the Quarter icon below to register, and make a deposit to hold your seat in this class.

Call me to make sure a class isn’t sold out before you make a deposit please.

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CONTACT ME: You may place an order, or ask any questions you may have here via email, or call 1-270-893-5808 for further details.


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