Would you know what to do if you were deep in the wilderness, and a hunting companion sustained a penetrating chest wound from an errant round? Could you prolong the life of a loved one long enough for the ambulance to arrive, if he or she had sustained a lacerated artery from a violent attacker armed with a knife? While most Americans are comfortable dealing with the cuts and scrapes of everyday life, and tens of thousands have learned the Heimlich maneuver and CPR, most individuals would be a bit less comfortable dealing with severe, life threatening injuries or illnesses when seconds count, and EMS personnel and the emergency room are minutes (or longer) away.
In this course, written by USCCA Chief Instructor (and certified firefighter and EMT) Michael Martin, we not only explain the proper way to access a patient, we also cover in great detail the proper way to deal with significant issues such as serious bleeding, chest injuries, a compromised airway, spinal injuries, broken bones, and more. While it might seem unrealistic to translate what professional EMTs and paramedics are able to do in an emergency, versus the things that non-professionals would be capable of, but in life threatening medical and traumatic emergencies, it all boils down to the same thing — sustaining the life of the patient until he or she can be delivered to the emergency room.
You will be provided with a ‘USCCA Proof of Training Certificate’ upon successful completion of this course. This Emergency First Aid Fundamentals course certification meets OSHA first aid standard as outlined in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations 29 CFR 1910.151(b).
This course also includes a copy of the 207 paged manual:
Emergency First Aid Fundamentals by Micheal Martin
Course price is just$75!
Take the ‘Emergency First Aid Fundamentals’ course
either ‘Countering The Mass Shooter Threat‘ or ‘Church Safety: Protecting your Congregation‘ together. They complement each other, and are discounted for groups!
Click the icon below for a link to the ‘Countering the Mass Shooter’ course description
Click the icon below for a link to the ‘Church Safety: Protecting your Congregation’ course description
Group discounts and custom scheduling is available. Call me for details.
Course price: $75.00
To register now, click the dollar icon below to register and make your non-refundable payment in full for this class.
OR to register now, and make a non-refundable deposit to hold your seat in this class: $25.00
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"Marksmanship Simplified" explores the mechanics of hitting a target and makes success attainable for both novice and experienced shooters. George Harris, co-founder of the Sig Sauer Academy and currently with… Continue reading Marksmanship Simplified – Lesson 1
In Lesson 2, a staple of high-quality training, dry-fire drills, allow you to practice while observing what your body does naturally. This progressive approach to training helps to develop proper… Continue reading Marksmanship Simplified – Lesson 2